Brown Parent Quirks: No privacy

Indian parents do not believe their children need privacy. This means bedroom doors must remain open. If they are closed, it is perfectly okay to come without knocking. I am an adult but my parents still come to my room without knocking first.

Dad (opens door without knocking): Beta, Did you eat?

Me (annoyed): No, I did not. I’ll eat later.

Dad: Why keep the door closed? Don’t you feel suffocated? Keep it open so air can circulate.



BTW, if you are alone in your bedroom and doing something on your laptop, parents will assume the worst. What are you watching? You avoid bad sites, right? Sorry to disappoint you but I am not watching porn. Look, I am on WordPress. Ah, desi parents are a hoot.


Happy Canada Day

Go Canada! We are awesome! Anyhow, July 1st is surprisingly not that relevant to Canadian History. The Upper Canada rebellion of 1837 was more important as it led to Durham reports of 1838. Basically out of these reports came the notion of responsible government. That allowed Canadian government to handle its own local affairs. The British still controlled the foreign policy. Another important milestone was 1931 Statute of Westminster as it allowed Canada to have full legal freedoms. Canada could now choose its own foreign policy without the interference of The British. These events were more relevant to Canadian History than July 1st. But, we get fireworks today so it is all right. Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians. Let’s cherish our freedoms and work hard to create an even better nation-state.

Stay Safe Dear Albertans

Alberta is going through massive floods and other extreme weather. Already three people lost their lives. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families. Please stay safe. We have family friends who live in Calgary and we are getting in touch with them to make sure they are safe.

Here are some links that might be helpful:

Alberta Emergency Alert

Alberta Health Services

Information for Displaced Residents


BTW, I have been meaning to blog but had no time to even go on the internet for pleasure as it is extremely busy at the Law Firm. Sorry.


Homophobia and South Asian community in Canada

Homosexuality is not discussed much in South Asian cultures. Well, heterosexual sexuality is not discussed either so homosexuality which is considered abnormal is far from everyone’s mind. If you’ve read my previous posts, you would know I was 12 when I moved to Canada. It is here that I actually first learned about homosexuality. I know this makes me sound very ignorant but I did grow up in a small town. These topics were not discussed in good middle class homes. India does have Hijras (the transgendered/eunachs) but no explanation was given to me.  For the first time here, I realized that there were people who fell in love with another person of same sex.  It was weird to me and it took about a year for me to wrap my head around it. But, eventually, I came to accept it as normal and part of life. There were people who were different from me but they had the right to live a happy life. Sadly, not everyone from South Asian community comes to that understanding. I do think younger South Asian Canadians are more accepting. There are also older and wiser people who are  fine with it. Nevertheless, a silent majority still exists that is homophobic. Now, you won’t hear much about South Asians beating up any gay men or punishing a lesbian woman. Most of the older generation wouldn’t even recognize if you are gay unless you explicitly state it to them. Even then, they might just act awkwardly around you or avoid you.  But, they are quite intolerant when it comes to South Asian LGBT community. I feel it is much harder for a South Asian man/woman to come out of closet. Even if parents are accepting, the larger South Asian community isn’t. Again, the concept of izzat comes to play. You might lose izzat if your son marries another man. People might blame you for raising your son wrong. It is quite an awful thing. Now, I understand that these problems exist in the larger Canadian society as well. Sure, Canada is quite progressive when it comes to laws. But behind the thin veneer of politeness, there exists deep intolerance. The hope again lies with the young people. They are more accepting of people that are different from them. Although, even among young people, there is homophobia.  Hopefully, educating people helps with understanding. The western media is slowly doing a better job of portraying LGBT characters. My mom’s favorite talk show is Ellen and she doesn’t care about her sexuality. Progress!

I would love to hear from from people who experienced intolerance due to their sexuality. How did you overcome it? Please share your experiences as there are many young people who are being bullied and suffering  due to intolerance in their communities. Your views might help them and the broader community in accepting and dealing with homosexuality.

Indian Aunties and Wedding Proposals

Yesterday, I went to a close family friend’s home. We were invited for dinner and since their house is only a year old, they were giving us valuable suggestions. The lovely Mistress of that home, the auntiji asked my mom when I will be getting married?  Have they started looking for a suitable rishta ( marriage proposal)? My Mom told her I will get married when they find a handsome billionaire. My mom is awesome. Anyway, my worst nightmare is starting to come true. All of my family friends and relatives are starting to inquire about my single status. Leave me alone, people! I do not want to get married anytime soon.

I applaud my mom trolling auntiji’s

Toronto has the most ridiculous Mayor

I was a student at University of Toronto when Rob Ford was elected as the mayor. A lot of people in the downtown core despise him. Ford was able to win due to his anti-taxes, small government supporters from the suburban areas such as Scarborough and Etobicoke. No, 905 area (Brampton, Mississauga) were not involved. They have their own mayors. Now, recently Gawker alleges it saw a video of Ford smoking crack. I do not even know what to say. Just remember you picked the guy Torontonians. Be ashamed. Be very ashamed!

Now for some amusement-Rob Ford Gifs

P.S: The link to Gawker site has a whole list of Ford’s past uncouth behavior. Also, the post is kinda thin because I have no internet connection. Currently writing from a public library. I still haven’t finished my packing but exhaustion has set in. The moving day is coming closer and closer and I am panicking.

The coolest Canadian came back on Earth

Chris Hadfield is back on earth after spending 5 months on the International Space Station. During his time in space, he posted many videos about his day to day life. Chris Hadfield made science and space cool again. Okay, I always find our universe fascinating but not everyone shares the enthusiasm. Mr. Hadfield seems like a great person, jovial, humble and very intelligent. He is a better role model for young kids than pop stars like Justin Beiber. Wish people like Mr. Hadfield are more popular as they contribute greatly to our society. Now, please enjoy a video of Mr. Hadfield making a Peanut Butter Honey Tortilla in Space.

Do you guys like the new header?

The image in the header is of Toronto by my brother. He is an avid photographer and uses analog cameras rather then digital. He also did the font and is a design student. Last year, he was picked for Lomo matrix event in Toronto. Me and my brother are planning to do a collaboration design/lifestyle blog in the future. But, don’t worry this blog will always get the priority. Any suggestions on improving the blog will be very helpful.

Thanks and lots of love from moi